Borat, $72 and Our Practices

I was watching Borat’s Subsequent Moviefilm (please don’t judge me) and while his movies cause me to cringe while barely being able to watching the screen, there was one scene that got my full attention. (There’s no spoiler alert here so don’t worry if you haven’t seen the movie.) There’s a scene involving a plastic surgeon and…

Which Type of “Tough” Are You?

“It’s a lot more than mind over matter. It takes relentless self discipline to schedule suffering into your day, every day.”  -David Goggins “But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.”-Viktor Frankl I recently finished reading David Goggins’…

How Might Orthodontists Use Augmented Reality?

By Michael Vidikan, Futurist & Director, Orthopreneurs While 2020 might be a year we’d like to forget, it’s kicking the tech revolution into high gear as millions of people for the first time adopt technologies for remote learning, telehealth, collaboration, digital payments, and much more. Technologically progressive orthodontists will be beneficiaries of this shift and…

Want To Know The ONE Small Difference Between OUR Ortho Ads and Professional Social Media Ads That Makes ALL The Difference?

Want to know the difference between crappy engagement versus a flood of new patients when running ads on social media? Read on… For the last 12-18 months I’ve been obsessed with reading and learning from the top marketing and entrepreneurial minds. These “pure” and “seasoned” entrepreneurs and masters of advertising like Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy,…

Don't Chill the F**k Out

If you’ve never heard of David Goggins, let me give you a really brief (and completely inadequate) introduction to who he is. Goggins was raised in a dysfunctional home, with little money and an abusive dad. He ultimately dropped over 100 pounds, became a Navy Seal, graduated Ranger School and became one of the top…

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier"

I’ve been reading Colin Powell’s autobiography, “My American Journey” and even though it was written 25 years ago, the text is still so appropriate for today’s environment. Keep in mind that the book was written before 9/11, yet Powell’s perspective is still so appropriate for what we’re going through today. From his days as a…

Pay Yourself First

One of the most common things I hear from younger docs is that they struggle to take home a paycheck. “I work so hard and can barely pay my bills. I can’t afford to pay myself.” What if I told you there was an answer? There is. Pay yourself first. What? Wait a minute, you…