Imagine that you’ve got an amazing case. You’ve worked so hard and you’re so proud of the result.You’re going to use the case all over your social media and website to grow your practice and show potential patients how amazing your work is.
But there’s one problem…
Your image doesn’t match the quality of work. It’s got the mustache in it, the teeth aren’t 90 degrees to the mirror, the lighting is off, there are two sets of teeth visible. Your heart sinks…

It eats you up inside because you know that you’re great at what you do, but your images don’t match the quality of work.
You can’t share it anywhere because it just doesn’t do your work justice.
Worse, you’re embarrassed to show it to your peers in the groups where everyone brags about how awesome their work is. It’s been said:
“Awful images can make a great dentist look bad, and great photos can make a mediocre dentist look amazing.”
But what if….
What if you could get amazing images every single time? What if there was a simple easy and effective way to teach your assistants to get the best images in town? Images that nobody could ignore. Not patients. Not peers.
Images where the lighting is perfect. Everything is visible. Patients can see every one of their problems before you even mention them?
Is it possible?
In one word….YES!!!

But it’s NOT about the camera…
It’s NOT about the Flash…
It’s about how you use mirrors and retractors and Dr. Glenn Krieger will be your own personal tutor to show you how to get an edge when it comes to getting the BEST images and using them for
Whether you’re an orthodontist or a dentist, this clinical photography course brings you the most cutting-edge lessons on how to capture exceptional clinical photos in your practice.
We’ll teach you how to use amazing images to…
- Help with better patient “buy in”
- Let you track cases through better documentation
- Give you awesome images for social media posts
- Help the new patient process flow smoother with lower stress
This unique course will have a presentation to teach you how to get amazing images, use them for increased case acceptance and marketing and implement the one of a kind “digital co-diagnosis” process where the images tell the whole story to patients. Then, you’ll actually get to see Dr. Krieger take a full set of images with instructions.
Courses like this simply don’t come around all of the time, and you’ll get 4 HRS of CE while making your practice better, so sign up now!
This is an AMAZING course for doctors AND team members.

Dr. Glenn Krieger is an international lecturer and author who has been teaching hands-on clinical photography courses for over 20 years and his legendary “Photo-Finish” approach will show you how easy and predictable
A fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and a practicing orthodontist, Dr. Krieger understands the challenges faced by clinicians on a day to day basis.