How To Increase Dental Patient Case Acceptance Rate For Younger Generations | 5-Minute Fridays

The Orthopreneurs Podcast

Are you looking at the ages on the intake forms when patients contact you to determine how best to reach out to them?

If not, you are leaving a lot of cases on the table.

If you are treating all generations the same way, you are making a BIG mistake.

There is a huge difference in how baby boomers, millennials, and Gen X process technology and information, which feeds into how they want to be contacted. 

Some might even prefer a virtual exam.

Tune in to learn how to improve your case acceptance rate by customizing how you engage the different generations.

Key Takeaways

  • Case acceptance rates for younger generations (00:40)
  • How the different generations process info (01:37)
  • How to tailor based upon age (02:59)
  • Things that drive millennial spending habits (03:49)

Additional Resources

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